Monday, May 17th, 2004

Following an illustrious career, Professor Jayaram Sethuraman retired from Florida State University on January 31, 2004.  On Monday, May 17, 2004, , the Department of Statistics at Florida State University will host a J. Sethuraman Day celebration in recognition of his professional contributions.  We plan to present him with a book of letters of appreciation, written about him by his peers, former students and friends.  If you would like to contribute a letter, please send it, unfolded, by May 1, 2004 to:

Attention: Dr. Anuj Srivastava
Florida State University
Department of Statistics
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4330

The J. Sethuraman Day will held at the Turnbull Center for Professional Development.  The day will consist of reminiscences by invited friends and colleagues during the morning of May 17th , followed by a luncheon in the Turnbull Center dining room. 12:30 p.m., at the Center for Professional Development, Turnbull Center, FSU ( directions to CPD)

Price:  $15 per person.  

Please make checks payable to FSU Statistics.  

RSVP to Virginia Hellman at by May 10, 2004

Please reserve Monday, May 17th, 2004 on your calendar and plan to join us for the festivities.


A limited number of rooms have been set aside at the DoubleTree Hotel for J. Sethuraman Day at a special rate of $88 plus taxes & fees per night.  This rate is good for the night of May 16, 2004.  Based on availability, this rate may also be good for 2 days before and 2 days after May 16, 2004.  Reservations must be made by April 25, 2004 to receive this rate.

Please reference J. Sethuraman Conference to get this rate.  You can call (850) 224-5000 or (800) 222-8733 to make reservations.  Reservations can also be made on-line at and type in "Tallahassee" under the city requested and arrival/departure dates.  Scroll down to the section titled "Special Accounts" and type in JSE next to Group/Convention field.  Then follow the instructions to make a new reservation.

Ph.D. Graduates Directed by Dr. Sethuraman:

          WU, SHAU-MING. Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA. Asymptotic Bounds on the Overflow Probability in
          Markov-Modulated Fluid Models (J. Sethuraman, 1996).

          DORADO, CRISANTO A..  Arthur Andersen Consulting, Atlanta, GA.  On a General Repair Model for Repairable Systems (M. Hollander and J.
          Sethuraman, 1995).

          HERGE, DONNA C. (LT. COL.). U. S. Air Force, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. Effects of Inspection Error on Optimal Inspection Policies
          and Software Fault Detection Models (Proschan & Sethuraman, 1992).

          KURIEN, T.V . Niksun, Inc., New Jersey. Limit Theorems for Markov Random Fields (Sethuraman, 1991).

          YOUNG, THOMAS R. Neuralware, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA. A New Family of Survival Functions Derived from a General Cumulative Damage
          Threshold Crossing Model for Evolving Structural Systems of Improving Components with Biomedical and Accelerated Life Testing Applications
          (Sethuraman, 1990).

          PRESNELL, BRETT D. Department of Statistics, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Nonparametric Methods for Imperfect Repair Models
          (Hollander, Sethuraman, 1989).

          CHAN, WAI TAT. Digital Equipment Corporation, Tewksbury, Massachusetts. Partial Orderings, with Applications to Reliability (Proschan,
          Sethuraman, 1985).

          CHAGANTY, NARASINGA RAO . Mathematics and Statistics Department, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. Large Deviation Local
          Limit Theorems, with Applications (Sethuraman, 1982).

          TIWARI, RAM CHANDRA. Department of Mathematics, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, North Carolina. A Mathematical Study of the
          Dirichlet Process (Basu, Sethuraman, 1980).

          BARKER, LAWRENCE E . Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.. Extremal Problems in Large Deviations and Bayesian
          Nonparametric Failure Rate Estimation (Sethuraman, 1979).

          JEON, JONG WOO. Department of Computer Science and Statistics, Seoul National University, Korea. Central Limit Theorems in the Regions of
          Large Deviations with Applications to Statistical Mechanics (Sethuraman, 1979).

          CONLON, JOHN C. Allergan, Inc., Irvine, California. G-Ordered Functions with Applications in Statistics (Proschan, Sethuraman, 1977).

          NEVIUS, S. EDWARD . Division of Biometrics, Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, Maryland. Stochastic Majorization, with Applications to
          Multivariate Analysis (Proschan, Sethuraman, 1975).

          LYNCH, JAMES DENNIS . Department of Statistics, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina. Contributions to Rates of
          Convergence with Applications to Efficiencies of Test and Estimates (Sethuraman, 1974).

          EL-NEWEIHI, EMAD . Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois. Probability Measures
          on Separable Banach Spaces (Sethuraman, 1973).

          JONES, DOUGLAS H.   Dept. of Management Science and Information Systems, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey. Asymptotic
          Comparison of Rank Tests with Parametric Competitors in the Bahadur Sense (Sethuraman, 1973).

          CLICKNER, ROBERT . WESTAT, Inc., Rockville, Maryland. Contributions to Rates of Convergence and Efficiencies in Non-Parametric Statistics
          (Sethuraman, 1972).

          GREGORY, GAVIN G . Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Texas at El Paso, Texas. Testing for the Monotonicity of a
          Generalized Failure Rate Function (Sethuraman, 1971).

          SIELKEN, ROBERT LEWIS, JR . Sielken, Inc., Bryan, Texas. Sequentially Determined Bounded Length Confidence Intervals for Stochastic
          Approximation Procedures of the Robbins-Monro Type (Sethuraman, 1971).

          TAYLOR, ROBERT LEE . Chair, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina. Some Weak Laws of
          Large Numbers for Random Elements in Normed Linear Spaces and their Applications (Sethuraman, 1971).

          CONROY, JOHN E. San Francisco, California. Bounds and Comparisons of Distributions of Partial Maxima of Independent, Identically Distributed
          Random Variables (Sethuraman, 1969).

          Ph.D. students graduated at the Indian Statistical Institute

          NATARAJAN, R. Some Stochastic Models in Reliability, 1968.

          PADMANABHAN, A.R. Probabilistic Aspects of Rings of Operators, 1966.



Jayaram Sethuraman Day

Monday, May 17, 2004

 Turnbull Center for Professional Development, FSU
  555 West Pensacola Street
  Tallahassee, FL 32301
  ( for directions)


8:00 - 8:30 am 
8:30 - 8:45 am 
Opening Remarks (Prof. Myles Hollander)
8:45 am- 9:45am: 
Invited Talks 
8:45am – 9:15am 
Prof. Nozer Singpurwalla (GWU)
9:15am – 9:45am 
Prof. Robert L Taylor (Clemson)
9: 45- 10:30 am
Coffee Break/Pictures
10:30- 12:30 pm: 
 Invited Talks 
10:30am –10:45am 
Prof. James C. Smith (FSU)
10:45am – 11:15am
Prof. Jim Lynch (South Carolina)
11:15am – 11:45pm
Dr. Ram Tiwari (NIH/NCI)
Prof. Brett Presnell (UFL)
12:30pm – 2:00pm
Lunch at CPD